

The Bresse-Gauloise Club of France brings together breeders of 2 races: the Bresse-Gauloise and the Gauloise. This association was created in 1904.


La Bresse-Gauloise race is, in fact, quite simply the race known universally as the “Bresse” race.


This breed comes in 4 varieties all possessing the same similar characteristics: both excellent laying habits and excellent meat quality.


The varieties differ mainly by the colour of their plumage,  white, blue, grey, and black.


The association includes breeders of the Golden Gauloise (Golden Gallic) race, a breed considered to be the oldest French breed of farm-type chickens, the pride and emblem of our beautiful country, a  symbol which proudly adorns most of our church steeples. The  Golden Gaelic race owes its success, in part, to its cockerel's beautiful plumage.


The club publishes a biannual journal "La Gauloise"containing all kinds of information on both poultry and club life, the list of members, a service of free classified ads, and the results of exhibitions.


The club organises two annual competitions: The French National Cup, a beautiful cup 33.5 inches high, put back into play in the spring of each year, and the French  National Championships,  held  in the  autumn of each year.


Most of the articles on this website are drawn from the Bresse-Gauloise club's magazine

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